Thursday, August 25, 2005



Jesus said to tell the Gospel to all of creation, and whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. The Church of Christ in Owatonna knows the power of the Gospel and looks for every opportunity to teach the Lost.

This August, at the Steele County Free Fair, almost 2,500 Bible studies were handed out along with pens and candy. We also had a free registration to give away a electronic Franklin Bible. 206 people registered with Kelphen Tokar, of Owatonna, was selected to receive the prize. On the registration form there were 12 request for more information or personal Bible studies. Of these, seven requested a personal study. Some have already finished lesson one and have received lesson two.

A personal thanks to everyone who helped with the planning and implementation of this work.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Mary and Jim (not in the photo) served at the booth on Sunday afternoon. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Daniel, Seth, Phillip at fair Posted by Picasa

Winston Posted by Picasa

Heidi and Sarina Posted by Picasa

Picture Posted by Picasa

The Boys Posted by Picasa

Picture Posted by Picasa

Picture Posted by Picasa

Picture Posted by Picasa

Picture Posted by Picasa

A look to the right from our booth Posted by Picasa

Bill and Casey Posted by Picasa

Dan and Bill passing out the Fisher of Men studies that can be seen in the center of the table and in Bill's hand. Posted by Picasa

Charles and Michael, with John and Susie in the back. Having fun at the fair booth. Note: the black boxes on the right of the table are loaded with Bible questions. Select the right answer and a green light glows. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 18, 2005



Here you see Spiderman standing next to a guy in a crazy suit. Actually, this is Dave V. he's helping out at the fair booth. Dave passed out many studies and pens to the adult fairgoers, as well as candy to the children.

Tom T. (Tommy Boy) is a big help at the fair. He passed out Bible studies and pens and greeted many people.

Travis and Leslie and their wonderful kids are visiting the fair and came by the booth to say hello.

Dave and Tom and see here reading from a Bible that will be given away. Our prayer to the Lord is to find the person who is seeking the truth.

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